The following is the blurb that is on page 10 of the Spring 2009 edition of Caring, from LCMS World Relief:
Free Resource Explores Clergy and Depression LCMS World Relief and Human Care’s newest resource reflects Rev. Todd Peperkorn’s personal journey through depression, I Trust When Dark My Road: A Lutheran View of Depression. LCMS WR-HC Executive Director Rev. Matthew Harrison recommends the book to all associated with professional church work: “This book offers a path to hope, and a future through Christ.†Dr. Beverly K. Yahnke, a licensed clinical psychologist, writes in the book’s forward: “When one’s mind and soul journey across the ghastly landscape of clinical depression, the adventure may challenge faith, hope, and life itself. … Peperkorn invites us into the world of a depressed Christian who remains reliant upon God’s grace.†The book is expected to be available in mid-June. To request your complimentary copy, call 800-248-1930, ext. 1380.
I am still trying to figure out if there is a way of ordering them online. LCMS World Relief is currently working on setting it up on their online store. As soon as that is available, I will give you the link. But in the meantime, I would encourage you to call and order as many as you want. The more that are ordered up front, the more helpful it is going to be for them in determining a print run. Please call them directly.
PS Yes, my super double secret identity is now officially not secret anymore.