New Drugs. Yippee!!!

Well I’m on a new drug today. Yippee! Apparently the three drugs that I’m currently on aren’t enough, so they had to supplement with what is called an SSRI. I’m not a doctor, so I’m not going to go into the medical reasons for it. The short version as I understand it is that there are two major kinds of anti-depressants, and it is fairly common to combine and mix and match drugs.

It’s easy to feel like a guinea pig in the whole process. We’ve tried combinations, more of this and that, different times of day, all sorts of things. It drives me crazy, frankly. I hate taking drugs. I’ve tried all kinds of vitamins, walking, “sun therapy”, St. John’s Wort (that’s just not right), and all kinds of thing. But despite all of that, and all of the progress made along the way, all it takes is one bad week and I’m a basket case again, staring at the wall, no short term memory, can’t handle my kids, etc. It’s crazy.

Drugs are a gift from God. But like so many gifts in this fallen world, they are tainted and complicated by sin. No two minds work alike and react alike, and so even with the best doctors and therapists, sometimes it can be a long road.

But the road has an end. There is hope. I don’t know where it will lead in the midst of earthly life, but Christ is on the road with us all, hurting when we hurt, and providing faith and hope on a dark, dark road.

Be at peace, my friends.


2 thoughts on “New Drugs. Yippee!!!”

  1. I’m currently on three different kinds of medications, for different reasons. My husband and eldest daughter also need drugs. Sometimes I hate taking all those pills too. I’ve hated trying different types of meds, and I feel I am getting no where. But looking back, I realize that things have improved, even if I’m not where I want to be. The four of us in my family have learned to accept our weaknesses and work on improving what we can. I hope your new medicine works for you and helps you reach more of your goals.

  2. I’ve been taking medications for forty years for my bipolar disorder. It took a few years to come to terms with the fact that I would have to do this for the rest of my life.

    But now it’s like brushing my teeth. I take them without thinking about it. Too badly we see such a stigma thing attached to such meds. We need to get rid of that stigma and realize that we need the pills in the same way a diabetic needs insulin.

    I’m thankful to God for today’s improved medications. When I first became sick there wasn’t much selection and I didn’t do nearly as well as I do today.

    All the best with your new “cocktail”.

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New Drugs. Yippee!!!

Well I’m on a new drug today. Yippee! Apparently the three drugs that I’m currently on aren’t enough, so they had to supplement with what is called an SSRI. I’m not a doctor, so I’m not going to go into the medical reasons for it. The short version as I understand it is that there are two major kinds of anti-depressants, and it is fairly common to combine and mix and match drugs.

It’s easy to feel like a guinea pig in the whole process. We’ve tried combinations, more of this and that, different times of day, all sorts of things. It drives me crazy, frankly. I hate taking drugs. I’ve tried all kinds of vitamins, walking, “sun therapy”, St. John’s Wort (that’s just not right), and all kinds of thing. But despite all of that, and all of the progress made along the way, all it takes is one bad week and I’m a basket case again, staring at the wall, no short term memory, can’t handle my kids, etc. It’s crazy.

Drugs are a gift from God. But like so many gifts in this fallen world, they are tainted and complicated by sin. No two minds work alike and react alike, and so even with the best doctors and therapists, sometimes it can be a long road.

But the road has an end. There is hope. I don’t know where it will lead in the midst of earthly life, but Christ is on the road with us all, hurting when we hurt, and providing faith and hope on a dark, dark road.

Be at peace, my friends.


0 thoughts on “New Drugs. Yippee!!!”

  1. I’m currently on three different kinds of medications, for different reasons. My husband and eldest daughter also need drugs. Sometimes I hate taking all those pills too. I’ve hated trying different types of meds, and I feel I am getting no where. But looking back, I realize that things have improved, even if I’m not where I want to be. The four of us in my family have learned to accept our weaknesses and work on improving what we can. I hope your new medicine works for you and helps you reach more of your goals.

  2. I’ve been taking medications for forty years for my bipolar disorder. It took a few years to come to terms with the fact that I would have to do this for the rest of my life.

    But now it’s like brushing my teeth. I take them without thinking about it. Too badly we see such a stigma thing attached to such meds. We need to get rid of that stigma and realize that we need the pills in the same way a diabetic needs insulin.

    I’m thankful to God for today’s improved medications. When I first became sick there wasn’t much selection and I didn’t do nearly as well as I do today.

    All the best with your new “cocktail”.

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